The 7 Best Manifestation Teachers in 2025
Manifestation is a framework for using your thoughts and emotions to influence outcomes in your life. I am going to take you through the unique manifestation teaching from each of my favorite teachers. These aren’t the only people I’ve learned from. These are my favorites. I highly recommend their books, podcasts, and courses.
How to Stop Worrying About Money
What I really wanted was to stop worrying about money. Not as a way to “manifest” more money, but just because I was sick and tired of feeling like I’d touched a hot oven every time I paid for something.
Manifestation Success Stories Using the ‘To Be Magnetic’ Process
A year ago, I signed up for To Be Magnetic’s manifestation community and workshops, and immediately found their manifestation vocabulary to help me not only make choices more confidently, but also to understand how I was able to get so many “answered prayers” when I was an evangelical Christian.