
Insights on mindfulness & creativity

Dani Fankhauser Dani Fankhauser

What to Expect From Your First Birth Chart Reading

If you’re ready to live with more ease, to work with the flow of life, and do what your soul came here to do, you’re in the right place. Read on to learn what you can expect from a professional birth chart reading.

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Dani Fankhauser Dani Fankhauser

How to Prepare For Your Saturn Return

Saturn’s archetypal meaning is of discipline, focus, lessons, and work. It’s a threshold to our life’s work, and if we aren’t on the right path, we get pushed.

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Dani Fankhauser Dani Fankhauser

Astrology as a Philosophy

Astrology can be viewed as a philosophy. It’s a lens for viewing the world. It begins with this: My soul chose to be born at this specific time for a reason, my chart can illuminate what my role is in all this.

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Dani Fankhauser Dani Fankhauser

Inciting Destiny: Uranus conjunct North Node

In early January, I watched Uranus retrograde closer and closer to my North Node. I was hyped in anticipation, yet melancholy, because I knew the two would not align. Uranus was set to go direct before it would reach my North Node.

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