The 7 Best Manifestation Teachers in 2025
When I dove headfirst into manifestation, it was because I’d just completed the first draft of my first novel. I wanted a book deal. A big one. The publishing industry seemed to run on luck anyway, so why not push the stakes in my favor?
If you’re unfamiliar with manifestation, I’d sum it up as this: It is a framework for using your thoughts and emotions to influence outcomes in your life.
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Manifestation was not totally new to me. I grew up evangelical Christian, and had encountered something similar called prosperity gospel in churches. I’ve also had very real experiences of imagining something or setting my mind to do something, and having it pan out in the exact perfect timing.
What’s really going on is that we are manifesting all the time, both through positive intentions and worries. But, the term “manifestation” generally refers to doing practices to influence positive outcomes.
I don’t have that book deal (yet).
Long story short, I’ve learned a hell of a lot about manifestation, and especially why it sometimes seems like it isn’t working. If you’re at some stage of your manifestation journey and would like to learn from my years of flubs, read on!
Where Manifestation Techniques Agree
Maybe you can relate. I have a tendency to get frustrated and say, “This isn’t working!” and hop to a new manifestation technique. Sometimes this disrupts the manifestation progress. Other times, this is your intuition helping you laser target the area you most need help. Either way, familiarity with multiple techniques will help you learn your own secret sauce faster.
Below, I am going to take you through the unique manifestation teaching from each of my favorite teachers. These aren’t the only people I’ve learned from. These are my favorites. I highly recommend their books, podcasts, and courses.
I’ll also break down some of the big differentiators, such as whether you can manifest from thought alone, how action comes into play, and how TF do you actually surrender (because this is where the power is, but the hardest thing to actually do).
Before we get started, I do want to establish a few basics that all methods agree on. First, that manifestation happens from thoughts and emotions. It’s like the sail and the wind. You can’t have the sail pointed but no wind, you sit still. You can’t have the wind, but if the sail is not pointed in the right direction, you won’t get where you want to go.
Second, this is easier said than done. Creating a better life from your thoughts and emotions sounds easy, but it is anything but! It takes practice. Think of it like ice skating. You don’t go ice skating once and wobble and fall, and then be like, “Oh, ice skating must not be real. It doesn’t work.” No, because you can see Olympic skaters on YouTube. It obviously exists. It just takes practice. Same with manifestation.
Third, you need to engage your subconscious. There are lots of ways you can do this: meditation, EFT, hypnosis, breathwork, visualization, even journaling, if you’re able to go deep. To engage your subconscious, you need your brain waves to drop from beta to alpha, and you can’t fake this. You need to be really relaxed. The reason for engaging your subconscious is twofold: We’re doing it both to write new instructions to the subconscious to create what we want, and also to receive guidance from the subconscious, aka intuition, which can help us understand ourselves better and importantly, know what actions to take.
Why Your Manifestation Isn’t Working
When it seems like your manifestation isn’t working, there are a few dynamics that may be in play:
If nothing’s happening, what you’re calling in is dramatically different than your current reality, so it will take more time for the universe to reroute you, but it IS working behind the scenes
If you get what you don’t want, it’s either clearing the way for something better, or helping you clarify what you do want. Notice if you’ve ever felt a desire for a better job, and suddenly gotten laid off. I’ve had both friendships and financial security dissolve on my manifestation journey. It hurts, it calls for grief, and it’s also how the path is cleared. With less to lose, I finally took action towards what I really wanted.
Manifestation is always working.
Ready for our manifestation technique tour? Buckle up.
Manifesting with Law of Attraction
I’m going to oversimplify all these techniques so you can keep them straight. If you like one, you’ll find more nuance the more you study it!
Law of Attraction is the most popularized manifestation method, largely because of the 2006 book and documentary, The Secret. Some well-known modern teachers are Abraham Hicks and Gabrielle Bernstein.
The method states that like attracts like. You need to be at the same vibration, frequency, or emotional quality as the thing you want. This is done by moving yourself up an emotional scale, with shame and fear in the “low-vibe” emotions, and joy and peace up in the “high-vibes.”
Here lies what people get wrong—that leads to their failure with this technique. They think they are supposed to stay in the high vibes. Actually, to truly be at peace, you must be honest when you are feeling sad or scared. Also, you don’t want to immediately jump up to love and joy (also that’s impossible). If you read more closely, you’ll see that all these teachers recommend moving one emotional step at a time.
When I was grieving the loss of my dog, I was down in grief, and I gave myself a full day with each emotion before even considering moving up to the next level.
There are two reasons this method eventually fails.
First, the focus is conscious emotions and more conscious practices like affirmations or journaling. This works well for some people, but for those with trauma, these practices cannot sway the subconscious residue that trauma leaves behind.
Second, some people master this method and get what they want. And it doesn’t make them happy. I know someone who’s been a Law of Attraction trainer for 30 years and he said the clients who focused on acceptance, rather than outcomes, were happier. We’ll talk more about acceptance when we get to David Hawkins.
Manifesting with To Be Magnetic
If Law of Attraction tickled your fancy but didn’t get you results, your next stop is To Be Magnetic (TBM), a method created by Lacy Phillips. Lacy teaches the method by way of an online membership, which includes a digital community and workshops. The workshops are made up of short text or video teachings, journal questions, and meditation recordings called Deep Imaginings (DIs). The DIs include a blend of hypnosis, somatic exercises, and visualizations.
A true one-stop shop! TBM takes out the guesswork and ensures even a total newbie can experience a quick win. I recommend it widely.
I describe TBM to friends as self-therapy. While many people join because they want to manifest love or money, the workshops give you so much clarity into yourself and your emotional responses, that you quickly find it well worth the effort because you wake up happier every day.
The big differentiator of TBM is the focus on the subconscious, which they call Unblocking. This is particularly useful for anyone who has trauma (big or small). If Law of Attraction’s positive thinking is like wind in your sail, Unblocking is like cutting off a massive anchor that’s holding you in place.
TBM also has a great vocabulary that helps you read energy, or see the deeper meaning of your external reality. The concept of Tests was what convinced me TBM was onto something, because I’d encountered opportunities that seemed like a setup that weren’t going to work out anyway, and that’s essentially what it is—a gauge to reveal to you your own limiting beliefs.
You’ll learn to track your own patterns with what TBM calls the Daily Practice and the Monthly Check-In. This is what will convince you that manifestation is always working, because you’ll see how life is showing up differently in direct response to the intentions you set.
For example, one of my first manifestations was an agent requesting to read my manuscript. I’d followed the TBM protocol in taking an aligned action (pitching 10 new agents) and the next day, I had a request. But get this: It was not from one of the agents I’d just pitched. It was from someone I’d pitched three months prior. This is how the timing shows up—it is cause and effect, but not the way we’re taught.
If you struggle over a period of time to get a big manifestation (like me), TBM will indicate it may not be an authentic desire. For example, Lacy was manifesting an acting career, but her authentic desires were more around luxury and being seen, which she gets as a spiritual teacher. My authentic desire behind a book deal is wanting to teach and entertain, and perhaps I can do those things better as an independent author.
Manifesting with Dr. Joe Dispenza
One of the first books I read about manifestation was Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza. His blend of science and mysticism had me convinced all this shit was real in a way none of the woo-woo approaches had. I tried his meditations, but I found them to be counter-productive.
If you’re not yet initiated, know that Dr. Joe’s meditations are an hour, if not longer, and you have to do them every day. His method also requires willpower. He departs from the TBM approach by addressing the conscious and subconscious minds. His meditations aim to get you in the feeling-good state (like Law of Attraction) and then additionally, you are to maintain this state throughout the day by monitoring your thoughts.
When I first tried this method, I experienced so much guilt and self-loathing from my failure to manage my thoughts that I self-sabotaged into feeling like crap. However, after I’d practiced TBM for two years, I tried Dr. Joe’s meditations again. They worked!
A main tenet of his philosophy is that you need to bring the brainwaves down from beta to alpha to delta or gamma, and outcomes can include manifesting a job, healing a disease, or having mystical experiences such as past life memories or time travel.
Dr. Joe is the only manifestation teacher I’ve found who says you can manifest from thought alone. Manifestation says that our outer reality mirrors our inner reality, so theoretically, if you can change your thoughts your life will change automatically—universal law. Yet, most methods caveat that changing your thoughts can and should lead to new actions, which lead to a new reality. According to Dr. Joe, you can manifest from thought alone, but only if you “become thought alone.” Basically, this means going so deep into a meditative state that you detach from your identity, or ego, merging into a larger consciousness. This would take a lot of practice! A little action is probably easier.
Dr. Joe’s books teach meditations, which you can purchase from his website. He also offers weekend, week-long, and some even longer retreats, where you benefit from the energy of the group. People have been healed from life-threatening diseases, and I heard from a friend that someone manifested a cat (yes, a live animal) in a room where there hadn’t been one, so he really isn’t kidding about the manifesting from thought alone deal.
Manifesting with David Hawkins
In the 2004 book, Ask and It Is Given, Abraham Hicks includes the emotional guidance scale mentioned previously. There is a similar scale in David Hawkins 1994 book, Power vs. Force. If someone’s done the research into who originated this method, I’d love to know. In the meantime, my bias is on Hawkins.
Regardless, Hawkins’ contribution to manifestation literature is his more popular book, Letting Go. Ironically, the philosophy is the opposite of Law of Attraction. Instead of boosting your emotions (or vibration) to match a specific outcome you want, Letting Go teaches you to surrender to what is in front of you. Including those difficult emotions.
Here’s the trick: When you surrender to the emotion, you move up the scale. If more people understood that, they’d have a better time with Law of Attraction.
However, surrendering to an emotion is not so easy in practice. Even after reading Hawkins’ book. Is it just something you can’t really explain in words?
My favorite story from Letting Go was an anecdote about a guy who’d lost his job and took Hawkins advice to “let go.” He promptly got a job offer through his brother-in-law. He reported back happily that it was great the relative had come through and he didn’t waste his time with letting go (unaware that the letting go is exactly what metaphysically prompted the job offer!).
I can name experiences in my past when I pushed and pushed for an outcome, tried everything in my wheelhouse, and hit an ultimate wall where I gave up, only to (within weeks or months) get the exact thing I’d been pursuing. But those times, I wasn’t trying to “let go” in order to manifest. I’d really given up!
Surrendering is something every manifestation method has in common, and it’s worth reading Letting Go to get more data points on it. Personally, I have an easier time doing the practices in TBM and Reality Transurfing, which prompt surrender without so much overthinking.
Manifesting with Reality Transurfing
If you’ve read a ton of manifestation books and they are all starting to sound the same, might I introduce you to Vadim Zeland. He is a Russian quantum physics researcher who wrote a series of books that, when translated into English and narrated by a voice actor, add up to 35 hours in Audible.
Between his cultural and non-spiritual background, Vadim amazingly explains all the same conclusions (manifestation is universal, after all) but told with completely different terminology and analogy.
There were many concepts I struggled to grasp, or had grasped but struggled to practice, that finally clicked when I listened to Reality Transurfing.
First, there seems to be a conflict in manifestation methods. Some focus on desire, feeling into the desire. Others say you let go of all desire, you just surrender. What Vadim says is that desire is different than intention. Intention is desire plus another step. Intention is the mindset that links desire to action. So, here’s our answer: Manifestation is not about the action. It’s just that when you shift from desire to intention (all a mental process, and the thoughts create the outcome) the side product is the action. Aha!
Second, Vadim coins a concept called Importance. Here’s the analogy: If you stand in the middle of the room, you’re fine. If you stand on the edge of a cliff, your knees tremble and your palms get sweaty. Why? Because making the wrong move is Important when you are inches from a deathly drop. So, if you want that job or relationship really badly, you are making it Important, thus pushing it away.
The concept of Importance helps us break down surrender into an actual practice (rather than an amorphous mental state). Vadim recommends first, you create a safety net (remember, cliff analogy). If you don’t get the job or the relationship, what’s your backup plan? Think about it once, but don’t dwell on it. Second, Vadim teaches that it is attitude, not emotion. What does the job (or the relationship) mean about you—that you are smart or attractive? Can you change that underlying meaning? You’re attractive no matter what, and the relationship is just for fun. Suddenly, it’s not so important.
No surprise there is a lot more guidance in a 35-hour audiobook. I do recommend listening in full.
For anyone who’s not spiritual, the book is completely free of jargon or references to any higher power, even the “universe.” He uses mechanical analogies to explain the underlying laws behind manifestation. Yet, like I said—he ultimately comes to the same conclusions, just using an entirely different vocabulary.
Manifesting with EFT and Brad Yates
A theme in modern manifestation practices is the need to influence or rewrite subconscious programs. In 2005 book The Biology of Belief, cell biologist Bruce Lipton explains how the majority of our thoughts are subconscious, on loop, and were written to our brains between the age of 0 and 7. He cites a practice called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also called Tapping, as one way to rewrite these subconscious programs.
The practice involves using your fingers to tap on acupressure points as you repeat aloud various statements, first acknowledging the difficult thoughts and then affirming new ones. A key is to let yourself emotionally feel what you are saying. When I find a good guided EFT practice, I’ll cry through it, maybe the first few times, and I’ll repeat the same practice until I don’t feel the sensitivity, and then a few more days to really lodge in the new programs.
While there are loads of people leading and teaching EFT, Brad Yates has an excellent explainer video on the method, as well as an archive of practices, most around 10 minutes long, going back more than a decade.
What I find most appealing about EFT is that it blends the subconscious and conscious. The power is in the subconscious work, which can feel ephemeral and be difficult to commit to when you don’t see change right away. Because EFT is so verbal and when you choose a practice, you’re choosing to address a specific limiting belief, your conscious mind has a better grasp of understanding what the purpose and ideal outcome is.
That said, I don’t consider EFT to be a manifestation method on its own. When I get intuitive clarity from journaling or another meditation practice, and identify a belief that is blocking me, then I find the appropriate Brad Yates video to support me.
Manifesting with Bree Melanson
I discovered Bree Melanson through her audio practice on the Insight Timer app called Breathwork For Manifestation. She is increasingly well-known for channeling spiritual guidance from extraterrestrials, and teaches both manifestation and professional psychic skills, and breathwork is a cornerstone to many of her programs.
Bree teaches soul manifestation. This is a differentiator I haven’t found elsewhere. Sure, other teachers talk about the soul, but where TBM says the Universe is giving you pings and tests, and Dr. Joe says a loving higher intelligence is figuring out the “how,” Bree is saying these insights are coming from your own soul.
And yes, we are all one, and ultimately they are all talking about the same thing, and still. Language can make a big difference, especially if you’re like me and have a religious background, and an old habit of trying to “please” some outside force to get what you want.
This opens up a lot of new space for insights when your manifestation seems blocked. Perhaps you don’t need to do hour-long meditations, “just” surrender, or Unblock to speed things up, but that your soul has an intention for the timing that is in your favor. Manifestation becomes a process of discovery with your soul, more so than a slightly broken slot machine.
For example, what I actually want is to publish a book that I’m proud of. A masterpiece. Maybe it’s going to take more rewrites, and that’s not a bad thing.
Bree offers a nice pathway of resources, from one-off live breathwork sessions to a monthly membership for premium meditations to more in-depth self-paced courses for manifestation and psychic development. In all levels of her offerings, there is an emphasis on your own intuition, whether that’s in getting a message from your soul during breathwork to channel writing your own guidance.
Ultimately, every method mentioned here was channeled by the teacher from a higher consciousness. These practices are designed to support a wide range of people from various backgrounds. The deeper you get into manifestation, the more targeted guidance you need.
What eventually becomes your manifestation practice will be a blend of methods you learn, paired with your own in-the-moment intuitive guidance.