Astrology as a Philosophy

Like many people, I started paying closer attention to astrology early in the pandemic. Everything we thought was solid, predictable, reliable, wasn’t — which has already allowed us as a society to reimagine broken systems and to see reality in a new way. It’s not over yet. 

My perspective cleared when I accepted that I'm here for a reason, and began to question — what is my role in this? I choose to see instability as a portal to a new, more sustainable, compassionate way of living. 

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Astrology can be viewed as a philosophy. It’s a lens for viewing the world. It begins with this: My soul chose to be born at this specific time for a reason, my chart can illuminate what my role is in all this. 

As one of my favorite authors, Caroline Casey, says, “Believe nothing, entertain possibility.” Explore the following statements and consider if they are supportive to your journey.

Everything is a cycle

The sun is constant, the clouds are passing.

Saturn’s orbit is 28 years, while Jupiter’s is 12. The Moon waxes and wanes in 28 days, affecting the earth’s tides. Life is predictable, not in the sense that we need to know what’s coming, but just that the themes in our personal lives and larger world run on cycles. 

This also allows us to see life’s ups and downs like a roller coaster, it’s all part of the ride, and it is not a moral judgment when things don’t go your way, so you can just breathe through it and it’ll pass just like it always has before.  

Everything is symbolic

Repeated patterns are like walls of a maze your soul wants to dissolve. 

This issue you’re facing — it’s not your fault. If you see repeat patterns in relationships, work, or any other part of life, it’s because your soul wants to learn something. It’s like we’re in a maze, we can keep running in circles feeling trapped, but when we face the wall, with courage, we dissolve it. We are free. 

Self-love = personal power

Fear comes from uncertainty. You can afford to trust yourself.

In Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism, Chogyam Trungpa writes, “Uncertainty is related to distrust in yourself, feeling that you are inadequate to deal with that mysterious problem which is threatening you. There is no fear if you really have a compassionate relationship with yourself, because then you know what you are doing.”

When we have self-love, we don’t need to fix or alter our circumstances, or other people’s actions. We don’t blame ourselves. We aren’t burdened by anxiety. We know future-me will intuitively know the best action or response for future-issue. 

You are right on time

It's your life. You cannot do it wrong.

When you choose to see yourself in the right place at the right time, when you develop that confidence — the path is illuminated. You actually don’t have to think too hard. Most of our pain comes from flustered attempts to fix what isn’t broken. 

The story isn’t over

We are all on an archetypal journey. Crisis means resolution is coming.

The reason the archetypal hero's journey resonates is because we are all in it. If it feels like the worst part of the crisis, that means we are simply at the climax, and on the verge of resolution. It helps to map out the inciting incident, the character’s gifts and flaws, and the themes, to give hints into how to best manage the situation. 

Get practical guidance on your soul path - Book an Astrology Reading

Dani Fankhauser

Inspiring a better future with astrology, energy healing, and fiction.


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