How Does Reiki Work Long-Distance?

photograph of mountains and clouds

Photo by Lola Guti on Unsplash

It may bring confusion or surprise to learn that reiki can be provided so many ways — the practitioner physically placing their hands on the client, holding their hands just above the body, through a video call, or to a group, through a recording!

Reiki is a form of energy healing, and therefore, it does not work on the physical body. It works on the energy body.

What is the Energy Body?

The energy body is made of waves, not matter. Think: radio waves, that are flowing around us at all time. They are actually light waves that are outside the frequency of visible light. They are non-visible light waves.

The human body also emits a frequency. The energy body can get weighed down by emotional traumas, by stress, and so on.

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Sometimes, the issues in the energy body are problematic enough that they get passed on into the physical body. Think of how a financial burden can turn into low back pain. Without being conscious of it, someone’s posture is stiffened due to fears, and they develop pain.

How Reiki Intervenes

When reiki is provided, the client’s energy body is cleared.

Because reiki is working only on the energy body, it doesn’t always follow that the physical correlation will heal, though with medical intervention (i.e. physical therapy), recovery could be quicker or easier due to reiki.

And, because reiki is working only on the energy body — the practitioner and client don’t need to be in the same room!

Let’s go back to the radio waves example. As practitioner, I am the radio tower. I am broadcasting reiki healing. You, as client, are a radio receiver, with an antennae. By choosing to receive reiki, you are tuning into the frequency I am broadcasting.

We can be halfway across the world. Reiki travels at the speed of light because it is light.

Regulate your nervous system and protect your energy with reiki - Book Now!

Dani Fankhauser

Inspiring a better future with astrology, energy healing, and fiction.


Astrology as a Philosophy


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