Accelerate your self-healing with energy work.

When therapy takes you in circles, it’s time to go deeper.

Talk therapy is an excellent (and often, essential) foundation for self-healing. But for persistent issues, the timeline can be endless.

The reason for this is because therapy primarily engages the conscious mind, and trauma is stored in the subconscious.

Energy work has the unique capacity to address deeper issues that the conscious mind is blind to:

  • Repressed memories

  • Generational trauma

  • Past life trauma

Energy work clears the residue to free you from persistent patterns.

The holistic approach of energy work:

  1. We map the issue based on observable experiences and behaviors

  2. We use intuition and imagination to paint a clear picture of a root cause

  3. We do an energetic practice that enables emotional and somatic release of the imprint, releasing you from limiting mental patterns.

Catalyze your self-healing.

I take a “teach a person to fish” approach to my sessions.

In the first half of your session, we will get clear on the issue we want to address, and in the second half, we’ll do the practice, which will include a personalized guided energetic meditation.

I record the audio of the practice so you can repeat the meditation daily for 21 days in order to create momentum in your new state of freedom.

Case studies

Client #1

Issue: People pleasing

Goal: Recommit to self

Through a series of six sessions, we cleared the energetic ties to other peoples’ needs and then strengthened intuition so the client was able to say “no” from a gentle and aligned place, without fearing backlash.

The client felt deep inner peace after the first session, noticeable changes in life experience after sessions two and three, and through the full series, was able to create a “new normal” that continued well into the future.

Client #2

Issue: Overworking, anxiety

Goal: Peace with business

The client wanted to maintain the state of peace they felt following a group mindfulness practice, at all times, in order to make better business decisions without overworking.

In a series of three sessions, we cleared pressure left by narcissistic relationships, resulting in better sleep and less overthinking.