Corporate Reiki

Let’s get this out of the way. Reiki is a little bit woo woo.

In practice, a group reiki session is a guided somatic meditation.

I’ll do my best to explain how it works, in rational terms.

We know that both our heart and our brain run electrical activity, as measured by the EKG and EEG.

Our brain sends electrical (and chemical) signals to our body all day, and our body, via our five senses, sends signals back to the brain.

Reiki is a way of sending signals like this, but over long distances and within a group.


Well, consider radio waves. They are actually light waves that are on the non-visible spectrum. They carry information between sender and receiver.

Reiki is not exactly a radio wave, but works *like* a radio wave, and each of our electrically-equipped bodies can be a sender or receiver.

We are already doing this, all day long.

Have you ever…

  • Felt someone staring at you

  • Picked up the phone to call someone, only to see they were calling you

  • Knew instinctively your kids were up to some mischief in another room

  • Felt “good energy” or “bad energy” in a room, or low/high energy at a live performance

These psychic occurrences are common yet ignored because of something called “paradigm blindness.” Because we don’t have contemporary science to explain them, we dismiss them as coincidence.

It’s been said that 90% of communication is nonverbal. There’s a good chance a large portion of that 90% is actually electrical. We’re constantly clocking and reading each other’s energetic state!

This realm has not been studied extensively by Western science, but is the underlying mechanism of many Eastern and Indigenous practices, most notably, acupuncture.

Reiki does not require needles (!) or even physical touch.

dani meditates on the beach

Benefits reported by my clients

  • Easily reach deep meditative state

  • “I have my most productive day ever after a session!”

  • Relief from chronic physical pain

  • Ease from anxiety

Get started

Just like meditation and sleep, reiki provides a sense of peace and calm as brainwaves drop from a beta to alpha (or even theta) state.

This boosts the body’s natural ability to do what it does: digest food, immune function, organize memory, heal physical ailments. It’s like an awake power nap, or yoga without the movement.

I call it the “electric bike of meditation”!

As a longtime yoga teacher, former technology journalist, and human resources webinar host, I bring a progressive approach to workplace wellness. Reiki is increasingly offered in hospitals and yoga studios, and it won’t be long before it’s a workplace staple.

I could talk about the benefits all day, but the best way to find out if reiki is right for you is to try it.