Hi, I’m Dani.
I am a lifelong seeker. As an intuitive writer, astrologer, and coach, I help you trust yourself and be heard.
Writers Bliss Bootcamp begins April 9!
Get energetic accountability with likeminded writers to finish your book in 12 weeks.
🚀 Join the next cohort of Writers Bliss Bootcamp!
1:1 Sessions
Get soul guidance that is practical and accessible.
Narrative Astrology
Learn why you are here and how to activate your soul gifts. You will receive wise guidance for your career crossroads, relationship paradoxes, and deep life questions, supporting you in months and years to come.
Energy Work
Clear the clutter of thoughts and emotions so your intuitive voice can lead. Catalyze your self-healing with a guided visualization meditation that brings you into deep inner peace.
Writing Coaching
Writing rut? New project? Get support on your most productive writer’s routine, fiction or non-fiction book structure, and path to publishing, so you can write with confidence and optimism.
First time with me? Book a Power Portal session. Show up with your most pressing issue and we’ll put our intuition together to light the way forward.
Why I’m Here.
I write utopian fiction to heal the world.
When I faced blocks and burnout while writing my novels, I turned to the spiritual practices I learned in intuition development classes.
I discovered that nervous system regulation flipped on my intuition so I could get into flow: more inspired writing, in less time.
Here’s what I believe:
Writing can be as pleasurable as reading
Writing is channeling
The imagination of fiction writers shapes reality
My short stories have been published by NonBinary Review, HAD, and Sheepshead Review, and a chapter from my novel manuscript was long listed by Uncharted Mag. I’ve also written for Well+Good, Refinery29, and The Cut.